Wednesday, February 15, 2012

On January 16, 2012, I was diagnosed with Primary Peritoneal Carcinoma (PPC). My husband and I have been discouraged at the lack of information or statistics on this type of cancer.  We have learned that it is a rare form of cancer, closely related to ovarian cancer. The only clear cut difference between the two is that ovarian cancer grows inside of the ovaries, PPC grows on the outside. It looks like ovarian cancer and the treatments are the same.

Seventeen years ago, I had a complete hysterectomy. I was told at that time I was NOT at risk for any type of ovarian cancer. Makes sense to me. Not so! Ladies, if you think because you’ve had a hysterectomy you're not at risk for cancer, think again!

Our reason for blogging my journey is to update family and friends of my condition. My family and I have been overwhelmed with heartfelt letters, emails, messages and visits. We feel blogging may be a great way to keep everyone posted. Another reason for blogging is to bring awareness to others about PPC. Now ladies, don’t panic, chances of you developing this type of cancer is low, however, please see your doctor regularly and talk to him about PPC, ovarian, breast, and other types of cancer.

Often, I refer to “our" or "we” rather than “I" or "me" because I believe when someone is diagnosed with cancer, everyone is diagnosed with cancer.  Our battle begins tomorrow (Feb 16, 2012). I will receive my first dose of chemotherapy. I will receive chemotherapy every three weeks for six times. So if we stay on schedule my last dose will be on May 31st.

As for all who read this blog, please excuse my spelling and grammar. In high school, I was far more interested in my boyfriend (Joe, now my husband) than any English class. We would love for everyone to follow publicly and comment as often as you like. For me, hearing from others has been the best medicine I could receive! Hearing positive thoughts and prayers that have been offered in our behalf have strengthened us in ways words cannot describe. We are so blessed to be surrounded by so many caring, loving angels. Thank you for all your support!

 I love this quote by Mother Teresa:

“There is nothing more calming in difficult moments that knowing there’s some one fighting with you.”

I agree 100%!!!

“No One FIGHTS Alone”


  1. Marci, I hate the circumstance that brought this blog about. I am so glad to be able to know what is going on while not feeling like I am injecting myself into your life. Please let me know if there is anything I can do.

  2. I will be thinking about and praying for you tomorrow. You can do this!

  3. I'll be thinking of you all day today. Good luck. You've got an amazing group of people that love you and are fighting with you. Always remember that!! Love to you!
