Saturday, June 9, 2012

It’s hard to believe it has been four weeks since my surgery. The surgery went well. I spent nine days in the hospital…nine  l o n g  days. The surgery was radical, but the doctors felt they had achieved optimal results. Two weeks after being discharged from the hospital, I had a follow up appointment with my surgeon. I asked him to explain the details of the surgery. (I really don’t remember much during my hospital stay due to heavy pain medication).  Joe and I didn’t realize how large the tumors were and how much cancer there was. The doctor removed my omentum, which was most diseased. He said if I hadn’t had it removed, I would have gone within 12 months. He removed tumors from my peritoneal and liver. A section of my colon and right diaphragm was removed also. He was unable to remove another tumor on my liver due to the size and thickness of the tumor. We are hoping this tumor responds to chemotherapy. I had chemotherapy on Thursday. We are praying I will only have to have two more treatments completing the 6 cycles.

My recovery has gone well with only a couple minor complications. The days are long and boring, but I’m comfortable and have had minimal pain. Thanks to medication, of course.

We have been blessed in so many ways. Joe’s work offered him the option to work from home. His manager, supervisor and coworkers have been incredible supportive. They felt Joe needed to be home to help me as much as possible. His out of town trips have been reduced also. We are so grateful for this blessing.

Joe did go on a trip this past week. Two of my dear friends drove me to the hospital for my chemo treatment and sat with me all day. The next day, they both spent the day at my house while I slept making sure I was ok. How loving is that?

It has been said that the greatest gift that can be given is to lay down one’s own life for another. Many of our loved one’s lives have been laid down, put on hold, and set aside as we fight for ours. It is truly a gift beyond measure.


  1. WOW! You always find the words that make me cry.. You should consider writing a book about your journey thru this. You write about this so positive and uplifting that anybody else going thru this would not be as scared nor as sick as I know you are. You are such a amazing person and I am so proud to call you "My Very Best Friend" (that came waaaaay before BFF's) Love Love you!

  2. Marci, you are incredible. I've been praying for you every day. I know we hardly talk, but I want you to know I'm rooting for you!
