Grace lost her dog Bruce, in a terrible accident two weeks ago. She was devastated to say the least. When her daddy told her about the accident, she cried so hard she fell asleep twice from exhaustion. The following morning, she got up, ran through the house calling his name. She was calling for him out in the back yard before Brandon got to her. He said she just stared at him not wanting to believe Brucie Bear was gone. Losing Bruce was just as hard on Brandon. Bruce was Brandon's first dog he ever had in his whole life. A couple of times Bruce stayed with us for a while. I loved that little dog! I think I cried almost as much as Grace.
Our four legged friends become a part of the family. Although they can be a great responsibility, they bring us far more joy.
My dogs always seemed so sympathetic when I was sick. Harlie layed at the foot of my bed, she never left my room. If I got up, she followed. Jake stayed with Joe while he worked. Joe said he would occasionally get up, go into my room, check on me and then return and lay next to his desk. For a few days after I went back to work, Harlie was a little confused. She would whimper until I followed her up to my room where she jumped on the bed wagging her tail. She couldn't figure out how come we weren't spending our day in my room. :)
Cody got a new puppy this past week. Becca has been tending it while he works. Grace has had so much fun playing with him.
I think someone is ready for a new puppy! What do you think?
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