Time has passed so quickly. It's been almost a year since my last post. I've missed writing, but more important I've missed keeping up with everyone. I apologize to those of you I haven't written too. I hope to catch up soon.
My last chemo treatment was the first of October. Recovering from all the effects of chemo has been discouraging. My body is worn and tired. My emotions are worn and tired. The following statement was written by a former cancer patients. I totally relate...
"I think the hardest part of cancer treatment is at the end--when everyone assumes you're "cured" and you no longer need their nelp. You're in your weakest, most devastated state, plus you no longer have the mission you had when you began this journey: to kill the cancer. The cancer is toast, but so are you, and now, like a soldier at the end of war, you need help putting yourself back together, only everyone has gone home since they assume the war has been won."
This is so true. I am at my weakest, most devastated state. But everyday I gain a little more strength. The sad news is there is no cure for the type of cancer I have. My only hope is that the treatments I receive will work allowing me a little more time. Soooo...about the time I start feeling good, with my luck the cancer will return and I'll start all over again. (Sigh)
But for now, let me introduce a special blessing our family has received. This is Charlotte Maci'Jo Boudreau.
June 2013
Doesn't she look like her mommy?
July 2013
Moments with Mommy just before her blessing.
Blessing day...besides our family, Rebecca invited those who have been most influential in her life. I may be a little bias, but it was the most beautiful blessing I have ever attended. Joe gave the blessing, by the time he was done there wasn't a dry eye in the room. The Spirit there was amazing. Our hearts are full of gratitude for the blessing she is to our family. She has blessed our lives in ways we never would have imagined. It was a happy, happy, happy day!
I had chemotherapy a couple days before her blessing day, I was grateful I felt well enough to enjoy the day. I am so grateful for those who came and supported Rebecca and our family. They all have extended their love to her and have been great examples in her life. She loves them all.
I had chemotherapy a couple days before her blessing day, I was grateful I felt well enough to enjoy the day. I am so grateful for those who came and supported Rebecca and our family. They all have extended their love to her and have been great examples in her life. She loves them all.
Joe can't get enough of sweet Charlotte.
And she can't get enough of him. There is definitely a special bond between these two.
I felt well enough to travel with Joe on one of his business trips to New York and Vermont. We visited our church's history sites in Albany and Palmyra New York.
Top left photo is Joseph Smith Jr.'s bedroom where angel Moroni appeared to him on several occasions giving him instructions and preparing him to receive the golden plates to be transferred into the Book of Mornon. Top right: Joe walking through the Sacred Grove. Bottom right: Second Smith Family Home. Bottom middle: First Smith Family home. Bottom Left: Palmyra Temple.
Top left: The city of Albany, New York today. Top right: Martin Harris Home. Bottom left: monument on top of Hill Cumorah. Bottom middle: Printing office where the first Book of Mormon was published. Bottom right: Apple orchard near Smith Family Home.

Bottom right: View from Hill Cumorah
I loved Vermont and New York! It was so green and beautiful. Joe goes there quite often, I hope I can go with him again.
I love learning about our church history. Ancestors on both sides of my family were early Saints. I was taught at an early age some of the more popular events that took place in our church's history. I love learning about our Savior and his gospel.
I am sorry that it has taken me so long to write. I hope to do better and I truly hope to make contact with everyone and catch up. If I don't, please write to me! I always love to hear from you!!
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